Hot on the heels of the sold out Coachella and sold out first three tiers of tickets at Burning man, the first within a week and the latter in a matter of hours, comes news that the Sasquatch Festival has sold out in under a week as well. These are all record breaking times, and scalped tickets are already showing up on Ebay for two to three times their face value. Stories are coming in about people buying 1000 tickets at a time for resale.
For those of us who can not afford to pay through the nose for tickets that are already expensive, here’s what you can do-
1. Figure out which Event’s you want to go to and buy your ticket on the day the tickets go on sale. Do not wait, as the likelyhood of scalpers beating you to the punch after a day is pretty high
2. Dont feed the trolls- look for tickets on messageboards and through craigslist if you can’t get ahold of tickets on the day of sale. The truth is that middle men are holding a bunch of tickets to events that they’ll never use. Dont let yourself feel desperate about missing a show- most large festivals sport the same line up.
3.If you’re really desperate to hear your acts play, then consider saving that extra money and buying a plane ticket to a festival in another city or a road trip to hear what is generally the same line up, just in a different state.
4. Ask around with friends- a lot of times people will end up with an extra ticket that they will be willing to sell or give to a friend in need.
5. Above all, keep your cool! there are tickets a plenty, its just up to you to not get exploited.
6. Keep an eye on the face value of tickets, especially for event’s like burning man. Its a major no no within the burner community to sell tickets above their tier price. If someone is trying to exploit, try to get a picture or write down the number of the ticket and report it to the Burning Man Organization.
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