We want your drive to and from the Motor Speedway for EDC to go smoothly so here are some tips and routes for getting there, parking, and departing the venue. You can also purchase a shuttle pass for hassle-free transportation here.
Inbound Traffic Tips
Local residents:
LVMS suggests using I-15 North to exit 58 (Apex) – Stay in the passing lane on I-15 north and travel past exit 54. Take a right on Las Vegas Blvd (exit 58 – Apex) and use Entry #9 for access to Yellow lot or Entry #3 for access to Brown lot. Hint – the Yellow lot and the Brown lot clear the quickest after the event.
Guests Staying On The Las Vegas Strip:
There are 2 northbound lanes approaching LVMS on I-15, pick the lane with the least amount of cars all the way to Exit 54. Once on the exit 54 ramp, use the far-left lane or the center lane for direct access into Blue Lot. Hint – Vehicles in the shoulder lane will be checked for parking passes at the end of the ramp. If you do not have a parking pass, use the center lane or left-hand lane.
Guests Staying In Downtown Las Vegas:
LVMS suggests using Las Vegas Blvd north all the way to the speedway. Take Las Vegas Blvd north to Entry #3 for access into Brown Lot or Entry #7 for access into Red lot. Hint – Las Vegas Blvd will have very few cars early in the evening.
Motorcycle Parking:
Use I-15 northbound to exit 54, all motorcycles will be parked on asphalt in the A section of Blue lot. Enter from the rear of the lot using Wally Parks Lane and follow the signs to Motorcycle Parking. Do not attempt to enter via Speedway Blvd.
Handicap Parking:
Use I-15 north to exit 54, all vehicles with authorized handicap plates or placards will be parked in the A section of Blue lot. Simply follow the signs to the marked handicapped parking stalls. As an alternative you can travel north on Las Vegas Blvd to Entry #8 and turn left at the handicap parking sign.
Valet Paprking:
This year a $20 valet lot will be available. There are 2 northbound lanes approaching LVMS on I-15, pick the lane with the least amount of cars all the way to Exit 54. Once on the exit 54 ramp, use the far-left lane or the center lane for direct access into Blue Lot. Follow the signage to the Valet Lot.
Guest Drop-off & Pick-up:
Take Las Vegas Blvd north to Entry #5 for access into the Guest Drop-off and Pick-up Lot. Please DO NOT drop your guests off on Las Vegas Blvd. The lot is open for the entire event and is a short distance away from the event ticket gates. Hint – Las Vegas Blvd will have very few cars early in the evening.
Departure Routes
Departure From Blue Lot:
Exit out of parking gates 12-13-14-15. Traffic will be directed west on Speedway Blvd for access to I-15.
Departure From Brown Lot Or Red Lot:
Exit out of parking gate 3 or 6 and turn right. You will be directed south on Las Vegas Blvd.
Departure From Yellow Lot:
Vehicles parked in the Yellow lot will be directed north out of parking gate 9 to Apex. Take I-15 south for access back to Las Vegas. Hint – if you are a local resident, take the C.C. 215 Beltway exit. Follow the Beltway to U.S. 95 for access anywhere in the Valley.
Departure From Valet Lot:
Vehicles departing the valet lot will be directed east on Speedway Blvd. From there take a right onto Las Vegas Blvd at parking gate #8. If you need to get back on I-15 simply make a right turn on Craig Rd or Cheyenne Ave and you are less than 3 miles from the Interstate.
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